Make Buzzfeed-style videos in under 5 minutes
Get 12x more social engagement using images, clips, & articles you already have.

Join 62,000+ leading businesses who trust Rocketium for their video needs

Univision B92 Generali Asianet Eventbrite Curejoy YourStory Wolters Kluwer Shemaroo Coldwell Banker Harcourts

Ease for the beginner, power for the pro

Video creation made easy for everyone

Create in minutes without any design experience. Craft unique videos with extensive styling options. Find the perfect copyright-free clips or images with our media search.

Boost your video productivity

More videos with the same effort

Create square or portrait videos for Instagram & Snapchat with intelligent auto-sizing. Serve a global audience with automatic translation for 100+ languages. Build on past work with custom themes, video cloning, & more.

Work solo or in a group

Seamless collaboration with teams & clients

Organise employees & clients into teams. Work collaboratively like in Google Docs for quick reviews & corrections.

Need something more?

Pushing the boundaries with videos needs something custom.
Talk to us if you need APIs, automation, app SDKs, & more.

As featured in

Buffer was kind enough to review us and they loved us!  We love you too, Buffer! Social Media Examiner was kind enough to review us and they loved us!  Aren't the awesome?  :)

Get started with your first video on Rocketium